Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Joe Jackson: Michael Jackson's Death Suspected Foul Play

Photo copyright by Nik. Michael Jackson's Drug Addiction

Michael Jackson's father, Joe Jackson, suspects that his son was allegedly murdered. He is concerned about all of the prescription medications Michael had in his possession. One medication was definitely illegally prescribed as it is only allowed to be used in hospitals. Why would a doctor let pop icon Michael Jackson have this medication? The answer most are saying is "Money can buy anything." Add fame to money and you have a mixture for disaster.

Michael Jackson was also calling doctor's and pharmacys with a fake name to get his prescriptions.

Michael Jackson was found in his home, not breathing, and 911 was called. Was anyone with him when the paramedics were in the ambulence? Did compression help him start to breath again? Once Mr. Jackson got to the hospital emergency room was he really alive?

Some hospitals are given donations from wealthy patients. It is believed that some hospitals may not 'let' a person live if they are expected to recieve a large sum of money. Is this what happened to the pop icon?

Kimberly Bridges has written Death Equity and has shockingly revealed what may happen in a hospital when large donations are involved. Death Equity is such a phenomenal book that it should become a movie. This thriller book keeps one's interest as it is hard to put down.

Kimberly Bridges has a twisted mind, that will make you question her sanity at times. Her creative mind reminds me of Stephen King. Any writter that can make you feel this depth is one that needs to keep on writing and start to write movies for the public. I can see Death Equity as a movie for the summer thriller of 2010.

As for Michael Jackson's death, Joe Jackson and family will keep the investigation open and in due time the public will get answers.

For more information on Death Equity, please visit: http://www.deathequity.com/

To read more articles on Death Equity, please visit:



Saturday, July 11, 2009

Article Your Way to the Top


Watch your business skyrocket online with articles. You will not believe how much it helps to have interesting articles written about your business to help rank your business to #1 on Google. Help people learn interesting information about you and your business. Make your products must haves, fun and exciting.

All of the above can be achieved with articles written by me. For a measely $9.00 an article you can turn your business into a cash making machine.

Sounds too good to be true --trust me, it isn't. I have seen it happen time and time again in the past few years that I have been a freelance marketing journalist.

Go ahead! Take your business to new heights! Order your article or articles now. For more information on article your way to the top, please visit: http://www.kelleys-creations.com/.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Articles for You

Photo copyright by Nik. Let Kelley type up phenomenal articles for you.

Do you need to advertise your business? If so, you have come to the right place. I can custom type original articles just for you. Each article is informative and unique. I will have your articles typed on time and put in a Word document and finally condensed in a zip file. This will make for easy e-mailing and viewing for you.

Articles for you and your business will be 400+ words. You own all rights to your articles.

I accept PayPal as the method of payment.

Let me type articles for you and send your business to heights you never dreamed of!

For more information please contact Kelley at hugprn@charter.net

Articles Written for Your Business

Kelley of Kelleys-Creations

I love to write articles. I find each individual business fascinating to write for.

I write articles that are SEO, i.e., search engine optimized. This means that when your product or business type is searched for, your business may be number one or close to the top of Google, Yahoo!, or any other search engine.

My articles are interesting, informative and/or how-to articles about your business. I keep the reader coming back for more. I also write the article to help people find your services by submitting your articles to the top websites. By doing this, your business will get noticed and thrive. All businesses need this especially in this economy.

My services are extremely reasonable and I am here to help you.

For more information on how I can write articles for your business please contact me at hugprn@charter.net.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Death Equity --by Kimberly Bridges

Imagine. Imagine going in for surgery thinking you are safe. You are having a simple surgery done so it should be a breeze. You think to yourself, surgery, a little rest and relaxation during recovery time, and back to your job and activities of daily living. Your spouse is calm, maybe a little concerned because after all, surgery is surgery. Your spouse tells themselves it will be fine.

You go in for surgery. You do not know it, but you do not survive. Your wife feels something funny is going on. A few employees inside the hospital feel something funny is going on. The two employees start to snoop around. The employees think they have uncovered something suspicious and one of them goes to their administrator boss. Is the administrator boss involved in a fishy scam? Is another very prominent man involved in the dicey happenings?

Death Equity by Kimberly Bridges is a spectacular read. Kimberly Bridges has a frightfully delicious mind that will peak every taste bud in your mind. You will keep feeding your mind her words but you will not be completely satisfied until you finish the book.

The suspense keeps you awake even into the early hours of morning. The teasing romance keeps you wondering what will happen next between the interesting couple. The thriller part of this book will keep you guessing what is going to happen next. Will you figure out what will happen in the next chapter? Only you will know if you read Death Equity.

I believe Death Equity is such a phenomenal book that it will soon become a thriller movie. With all of the suspense the book achieved I can only imagine how it will feel watching it as a movie.
For more information, please visit the author’s site http://www.deathequity.com/. Or get a tease on
http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=death+equity+by+kimberly+bridges and purchase the book.

Written by Kelley 

Friday, January 23, 2009

Poetry: Letter From God by Kelleys-Creations

Letter From God

O mother~
O father~
O sister~
O brother~

I hear your cries
I feel your *tears*
of the lost child
you miss so dear.

Sweet little soul
so gentle, so pure
Tender voice
now gone, you despair.

You plead
for hope...
You pray"Let the child stay."
Whether cancer, another disease
Drunk driver-wasted-or miscarriage...
The pleas
they come
for a life not done.

O mother~

O father~

O sister~

O brother~

I hear your cries
Your prayers
How you cannot bear...
to say goodbye.

Sometimes life
has many strifes
we must endure
to find a cure.

In your pain and sorrow
KNOW I am here
To help you now
& tomorrow.

Tho' you will miss
those hugs
and kisses
from your child...

Have no fear
for the child so sweet, so dear
is in my ~loving arms~
until you arrive here.


~Your Loving God~

Written and Copyright by Kelley